More SQL Gobbledy Juke

in English
Looking for some recommendations to use UNION all select queries in stored procedure I have a sql query involving UNION and each of the select query have outer joins. This query gives me a report that I am looking for. How can the sql query result obtained in form of stored procedure. Below is the sql query that works. How to covert this to stored procedure to get the same output. select A.table_name,A.row_count amrowcount, W.row_count wprowcount,C.row_count clrowcount from CARE_TBLROWCOUNT@am_prd_link A, CARE_TBLROWCOUNT@wp_prd_link W, CARE_TBLROWCOUNT@cl_prd_link C where A.table_name=W.table_name(+) and W.table_name=C.table_name(+) and A.table_name=C.table_name(+) UNION select W.table_name,A.row_count amrowcount, W.row_count wprowcount,C.row_count clrowcount from CARE_TBLROWCOUNT@am_prd_link A, CARE_TBLROWCOUNT@wp_prd_link W, CARE_TBLROWCOUNT@cl_prd_link C where W.table_name=A.table_name(+) and A.table_name=C.table_name(+) and W.table_name=C.table_name(+) UNION select C.table_name,A.row_count amrowcount, W.row_count wprowcount,C.row_count clrowcount from CARE_TBLROWCOUNT@am_prd_link A, CARE_TBLROWCOUNT@wp_prd_link W, CARE_TBLROWCOUNT@cl_prd_link C where C.table_name=A.table_name(+) and A.table_name=W.table_name(+) and C.table_name=W.table_name(+)
Good stuff Patrick
Yes this is good.
Yes this is good.